HS Information Retrieval WS16/17 - Project (Part II)
Query expansion without query logs - a semantic approach
Expands any given query by applying kNN and cosine similarity calculations on word embeddings, which follows the approach of Roy, Dwaipayan, et al. “Using word embeddings for automatic query expansion.” (2016).
Input is a directory with one ore more word embedding files. Each line of a file has to start with the word than seperated with withspace followed by the word embedding aka a floating point vector of which each dim is seperated by a whitespace, e.g.:
the 0.418 0.24968 -0.41242 0.1217 0.34527 -0.044457 -0.49688 -0.17862 -0.00066023 -0.6566 0.27843 -0.14767 -0.55677 0.14658
of 0.70853 0.57088 -0.4716 0.18048 0.54449 0.72603 0.18157 -0.52393 0.10381 -0.17566 0.078852 -0.36216 -0.11829 -0.83336 0.11917 to 0.68047 -0.039263 0.30186 -0.17792 0.42962 0.032246 -0.41376 0.13228 -0.29847 -0.085253 0.17118 0.22419 -0.10046 -0.43653
and 0.26818 0.14346 -0.27877 0.016257 0.11384 0.69923 -0.51332 -0.47368 -0.33075 -0.13834 0.2702 0.30938 -0.45012 -0.4127
in 0.33042 0.24995 -0.60874 0.10923 0.036372 0.151 -0.55083 -0.074239 -0.092307 -0.32821 0.09598 -0.82269 -0.36717 -0.67009
$ ./pre-retrieval arg1
arg1: WORD EMBEDDINGS DIRECTORY\t - directory with word embeddings, separated by whitespace
Example run:
$ ./pre-retrievals embeddings.txt
> pre-retrieval expander: nearest
connects, 0.7169279
railhead, 0.70533824
situated, 0.7036282
distance, 0.6845015
connecting, 0.67515314
located, 0.67337537
main, 0.66029966
connect, 0.659874
closest, 0.65352273
bus, 0.6500851
In the addition to the processes of the Pre-Retrieval, the Post-Retrieval pre-selects relevant documents in which vector space kNN will be applied.
Input is again a directory with one ore more word embedding files. The second obligatory argument to call post-retrieval is a corpus directory whih contains at least one file conll format.
$ ./post-retrieval arg1 arg2
arg1: WORD EMBEDDINGS DIRECTORY\t - directory with word embeddings, separated by whitespace
arg2: CORPUS DIRECTORY\t - directory with corpus file, file must have conll format
Example run:
$ ./post-retrievals embeddings.txt /conll-corpus
> post-retrieval expander: nearest
near, 0.6419043
station, 0.6232734
train, 0.6178746
town, 0.6120607
rail, 0.5961648
line, 0.5947579
small, 0.5820411
where, 0.5563269
east, 0.55490595
city, 0.55174905
Output is for both flavours the query expansion suggestion ranking together with the ranking score.
Authors: Holger Muth-Hellebrandt, Neele Witte